Hey, first off, congrats on taking the first step!
Now you’re here on the enrollment page... (*takes a deep breath*)... and you’re probably thinking, “Is this really for me? Can I really do this limb lengthening thing?”
I get it. Matter of fact, you’re in good company because almost every person that took the step and reached out to for support from me during their lengthening journey (and had success)... felt the same exact thing you’re feeling right now.
That’s why before you enroll in a membership option, go ahead and watch the short video above and see how other LL patients who were once exactly where you’re at right now...
...who then took the step, and were able to achieve their lengthening goals they’ve always wanted!
Watch it and then, if you still want the ultimate patient support throughout your lengthening journey, enter your information with an added dose of confidence that THIS SERVICE IS FOR YOU!
— Victor (Cyborg)
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*This site represents Victor Egonu (Cyborg) via Cyborg 4 Life